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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the relations between children's emotion and mothers' reactions to these emotions, and the mediating effect of mothers' reactions to these relations. Sixty two children at age 6 and their mothers who lives in Seoul, participated in this study. Children's and mothers's interactive behaviors during a dictation task performance were videotaped and analyzed in terms of children's emotion(smile, sadness, anger, neutral) and self-regulation, and mothers' directive control, intrusiveness, encouragement, helping behavior, ignoring, and positive emotion expression to children. The effect of children's time to complete the task were controlled through the hierarchical multiple regression technique. Results showed that children's emotions were significantly associated with certain types of mothers' reactions. For example, mothers showed positive emotions more frequently in response to the children's smiling. In addition, children's self-regulation were significantly predicted by children's smiling and neutral reactions, and especially by mothers' encouragement. But, the mediating effect of the mothers' encouragement was not significant. Discussion was made on the basis of children's socialization by mothers, and the effects of mothers' scaffolding on the children's problem solving.
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