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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of regret experiences, locus of control with subjective well-being in the aged. Face-to-face interview data was gathered from 104 participants who completed the questionnaire. The result was as follows: First, old people reported the most regrets on education-relevant domain of the 12 regret domains. Second, the aged reported more regretable omission than regretable commission. They also reported more wistful-emotions related with regretable omission. Fourth, they showed the more internal locus of control, the less regret experiences and the more subjective well-being. Finally, efforts to change regret experiences was found to directly influence participants' subjective well-being, whereas both regret intensity and regret frequency affected indirectly their subjective well-being mediated by regret-related emotions.
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