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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigates the mediating effect of parental support and self-control on the relationships between adolescents' home-environment and juvenile delinquencies. Participants were 2,368 middle- and high-school students selected across the country by stratified multi-stage cluster sampling. The major findings were as follows. In general, boys tended to experience juvenile delinquencies more than girls except for excluding peers. Also, making a comparison among structural models, the linear model of home-environment→parental support→self-control→deviant behaviors indicated the best fit. It menas that parental support has the perfect mediating effect on the relationship between home-environment and self-control, and self-control has the perfect mediating effect on the relationship between parental support and juvenile delinquencies. However, The model varied with sex, that is, the girls group showed that stronger effect of self-control on juvenile delinquencies than the boy group did.
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