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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined whether there are differences in warmth and conflict of sibling relationships according to gender and constellation of siblings, whether there are any relations between the warmth and conflict of sibling relationships and Big Five personality characteristics and attachments to parents, and whether gender and constellaltion of siblings, personality characteristics and attachment to parents give any impacts on the warmth and conflict of sibling relationships with 492 college students. The results reveal female students have more conflicts with siblings than male ones and same sex siblings had more warmth than different sex ones. Warmth of siblings correlated significantly with five personality characteristics and conflict of siblings correlated significantly with agreeableness, conscientiousness and neuroticism. Also attachments to parents correlated positively with warmth and negatively with conflict of sibling relationships. In addition the person with same sex siblings, high extroversion and agreeableness and high attachment to mother had more warmth, while the women with low agreeableness and high openness to experience have more conflict with siblings.
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