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The relationships between parental control over the problems in personal, conventional and overlapping domains and adolescents' psychological symptoms were examined. Third graders in middle school and first and second graders in high school completed a parental authority index and Korean Symptom Checklist-90-Revision. In the parental authority index, students evaluated two types of control, ideal and perceived control. Ideal control indicates who (they or parents) should control the problems in personal, conventional and overlapping domains whereas perceived control indicates who would control the problems in real world. In Korean Symptom Checklist, they reported nine psychological symptoms. Adolescents indicated that they should and would control over problems from personal domain and that their parents should and would control over problems from conventional domain. Perceived parental controls for personal domain only showed significant positive correlations with adolescents' internalizing symptoms in high school students. However, there were no associations between parental control of conventional issues and psychological symptoms.
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