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The Change in the Ratio of Gesture Utilization in 2-3 Years Old Children - Focusing on Iconic Gestures -


The object of this research is to observe the change in the ratio of gesture utilization by categorizing children by age regarding 24 to 27 months old children through accurate detailed categorization of gestures. The results of this study are as follows. First, instrumental gestures and conventional gestures decreased as the age of children increased, and such gestures were used the most frequently among group 1 group. Pointing did not show any significant changes regarding age, but it was the most frequent gestures. The utilization of iconic gestures increased significantly according to children's age, and they were the most frequently used among group 4. Second, the change of the frequency of utilization of iconic gestures according to language development was significant, and language development explains the frequency of iconic gestures better than the sole factor of age. This research significantly explains the change in gesture utilization of children by accurate detailed categorization of gestures and strongly supports the relationship between iconic gestures and language development.

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