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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined how the explicit and implicit race attitudes differ according to age and sex from the developmental perspective in Koreans. Elementary school students(first grade:117, fourth grade:117), middle school students(138), high school students(138), and college school students(122) completed Implicit Association Tests (Korean-White/Korean-Black/ Korean-Southeast Asian IATs), and Explicit Preference Test. The effects of age and sex on and implicit and explicit attitudes toward Korean/White/Black/Southeast Asian were examined with 5(age)× 2(sex)× 3(race) three-way MANOVA. using mixed model. The results demonstrated that as age increases, in-group preference continued throughout the age, without sex effect. In contrast, out-group preference/bias presented different developmental aspects according to the level of implicit or explicit, age and race. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were discussed.
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