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The Effect of Selective attention and Inhibition on Social-emotional Evaluation toward Unfamiliar Faces


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of selective attention and inhibition on social-emotional evaluation toward unfamiliar face. The subjects were total 90 of each 30 from elementary school second-grade, fifth-grade, and university students. A pair of unfamiliar face were shown to the subjects and then asked to remember one of them. After that, they were asked to refrain from pressing any button and then rated one face chosen at random on social-emotional scale ranged from 1 to 5. Data was analyzed with 3(age) × 2(selective attention) × 2(inhibition) mixed ANOVA in terms of success or failure on face-recognition task respectively. Results showed that in the cases of success on face-recognition task, both (b) the faces of receiving selective attention and simultaneously requiring non-inhibition and (c) the faces of not receiving selective attention and simultaneously requiring inhibition were rated more positively than other conditional faces. The result suggests that if children can remain attention and inhibition in working memory, these factors can positively affect social-emotional evaluation toward unfamiliar-faces.

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