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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study aimed to investigated the effect of preschooler's temperament on emotion regulation strategies of mothers and behavior problems of preschoolers. The participants included 260 male and female preschoolers in Seoul. We measured the preschooler's temperament using JTCI 3~6 and behavior problems using K-CBCL. And we measured maternal emotion regulation strategies using ERSQ. The result showed that maladaptive strategies of mothers mediated the relation between temperament and behavior problems of preschoolers. Maternal maladaptive strategies completely mediated the relation 'novelty seeking' of preschoolers and internal behavior problems, 'reward dependence' of girls and internal behavior problems, 'persistence' of boys and external behavior problems. And Maternal maladaptive strategies partially mediated the relation 'novelty seeking' of preschoolers and external behavior problems, 'harm avoidance' of boys and internal behavior problems. It appears that the development of behavior problems was affected by the maladaptive strategies of mothers.
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