ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multi-dimensional perfectionism and narcissism on the personal inferiority. Especially, this study focused on the effect of the positive perfectionism and the overt narcissism on the personal inferiority instead of focusing on the negative perfectionism and the covert narcissism, which are the two main topics of the interest on majority of the personal inferiority studies. The results showed that the convert narcissism and the negative perfectionism were the most influential variables on the personal inferiority while the positive perfectionism and the overt narcissism showed little influence on the personal inferiority. Also, the results showed that all experimental groups experienced increased personal inferiority after the complex inducing situation. However, those with high negative perfectionism and those with high overall perfectionism expressed increased personal inferiority even after the complex non-inducing situation. Those with low overall narcissism showed little increase on the personal inferiority while others showed significant increases on the personal inferiority.
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