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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study investigated the psychometric properties of the Echelle Globale du Sentiment de Competence Parentale(EGSCP) scale developed by Meunier and Roskam(2009) to validate its use in Korea. EGSCP assessing five domain-specific self-efficacy beliefs and related cognitive constructs of parents was double-translated and modified to fit Korean subjects(K-EGSCP). The study consisted of two groups of subjects for exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses respectively: two hundreds and two mothers of young children in range of three to seven-year-olds and four hundreds and twenty three mothers of toddlers and young children in range of one to seven years of age. Twenty nine items and seven factors including Nurturance, Instrumental Care, Discipline, Play, Teaching, Parental Responsibility, and Parental Control of Outcomes appeared in the exploratory factor analysis. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, a hierarchical model consisting of two second-level-factors and seven first–level-factors confirmed its validity. The total factors of K-EGSCP demonstrated proper internal consistency and clear patterns of convergent and discriminant validity. With existing domain-general and task-specific measures of parenting efficacy, the Korean version of the EGSCP adds domain-specific aspects of self-efficacy in parenting and includes other related cognitive construct.
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