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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Korean version of EQ-C (Children’s versions of the Empathy Quotient) which was developed by Auyeung et al. (2009) to measure empathy for children. In this study we used the EQ-C as a self-report questionnaire. A total of 290 elementary students in 5 grades participated. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three factors: cognitive empathy, emotional response and social skills. In terms of the reliability, the internal consistency of the Korean version of EQ-C was high (Cronbach’s = .82), and the test-retest reliability over two months was relatively stable (Cronbach’s = .67). In order to test the validity of the Korean version of EQ-C, we examined the association between the EQ-C and Empathy Scale (Park, 1997) which was the another popular measure of empathy for children, and the associations between the EQ-C and the psychological constructs of prosocial behavior and aggression. Correlation analyses revealed positive correlations between the Korean version of EQ-C and the Empathy Scale and the Prosocial Behavior Scale, but a negative correlation between the Korean version of EQ-C and the Aggression Scale. The three-factor construct of cognitive empathy, emotional empathy and social skills had been demonstrated to be held to the 3 graders, suggesting that the self-report Korean version of EQ-C could be used to the 3 graders.
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