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Preschoolers’ Ability to Use Morphological Information When Imitating Others’ Actions


This study investigated whether 3-year-old children can use the grammatical form of an actor’s word during imitation. Children watched an actor move her hand towards one of two novel-object drawings on a board in hopping or sliding action style. The actor uttered a sentence including a novel word followed by either a nominative case marker (Noun condition) or a morpheme marking progressive tense (Verb condition), or did not utter anything during her action (Baseline condition). In Experiment 1, the children reproduced the final location of the actor’s action in the noun condition more often than in the verb and baseline conditions. In Experiment 2, the actor and children acted on their own separate boards, unlike in Experiment 1 in which they shared the board. Children were less likely to copy the final location in the verb condition than in the baseline condition. These results suggest that the grammatical form of actor’s word can influence children’s understanding of others’ goals.

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