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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The current research examined whether Korean adults and 4-year-old children show sensitivity to proportional equity. In Experiments 1 (adults) and 2 (children), two experimenters (“distributors”) gave the participants some of their resources. Following this, the participants were asked which distributor was nicer. The absolute amount and proportion of resources given to the participants by the distributors differed across trials. Adults always judged the distributor who gave proportionally more as nicer. In contrast, 4-year-olds showed sensitivity to proportional equity only when the absolute amount of the stickers given was the same. Experiment 3 examined the experiences that could enhance 4-year-olds' ability to consider proportional equity. After having distributed resources themselves, children were more likely to regard the distributor who gave them proportionally more stickers as nicer than the other who gave them absolutely more stickers. The current findings suggest that ⑴ Korean 4-year-olds possess some sensitivity to proportional equity when evaluating distributions and ⑵ their own distribution experiences can enhance their understanding of proportional equity.
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