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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study compares maternal anxiety, parenting attitude, psychological well-being, and parenting stress between mothers of children with and without disabilities, and investigates the effects of maternal anxiety, parenting attitude, and psychological well-being on maternal parenting stress. The results showed a positive correlation between parenting stress and maternal anxiety in both groups of mothers, and a negative correlation between affective, positive and rejective parenting attitude of affective, positive, rejective and controlled parenting attitude. Also, a negative correlation between psychological well-being. Mothers of children without disabilities had higher positive parenting attitude and psychological well-being scores than mothers of children with disabilities. Mothers of children with disabilities had higher parenting stress scores than mothers of without disabilities. Finally, it was shown that maternal anxiety and parenting attitude are the main factors influencing parenting stress in both groups of mothers.
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