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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to explore the relations among rapid automatized naming (RAN), executive functions (working memory, inhibition, and shifting), and reading abilities in the upper grades of elementary school. In the present study, reading ability was assessed in terms of reading fluency and reading comprehension and was compared with predictive factors for each reading skill. The subjects were 59 fourth-grade students (24 boys and 35 girls) attending an elementary school in Kyongki province. Digit rapid automatized naming, inhibition, verbal working memory were variables with a significant contribution to reading fluency. Second, inhibition, shifting, and socioeconomic status predicted reading comprehension. In sum, the results showed differences in predictive factors according to the type of reading ability (reading fluency or reading comprehension). Therefore, this study suggests the importance of identifying factors that could affect reading fluency and reading comprehension in order to develop an effective reading strategy intervention for elementary school children.
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