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This study was designed to examine roles of parenting goals and feedback as conditions for flow experiences in parenting, investigate the effects of mothers’ flow experiences on parenting self-efficacy and satisfaction, and examine the mediating effects of flow experiences. Data were collected from 651 mothers with children aged 3 to 5 years. Mothers completed self-report questionnaires consisting of four scales. Path analyses showed that both parenting goals and feedback were significant predictors of mothers’ flow experiences. Parenting goals and feedback were also directly associated with parenting self-efficacy. Parenting goals were significantly related to parenting satisfaction; however, parenting feedback did not have a direct effect on satisfaction. In the association among parenting goals, feedback, efficacy, and satisfaction, flow experiences mediated the relationships through their indirect effects on parenting efficacy and satisfaction. These findings confirm that parenting goals and feedback are conditions for flow experience in parenting. Parents may be able to develop or increase the number of their flow experiences, which can enhance their self-efficacy and satisfaction in daily parenting, by fulfilling the conditions associated with these experiences.
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