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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of prior knowledge and reasoning about object movement phenomenon on children’s post knowledge formation. Forty 4-, 6- and 8- year-olds (a total of 120 subjects) were selected for this study. The subjects were chosen from three preschools and two elementary schools located in middle-class residential areas of Seoul and Kyoung-Ki province. Each child was asked to perform the tasks of “weight” and “size”. The child's prior knowledge, reasoning, and post knowledge of 3 object movement phenomena(buoyancy, free-fall, sloping) were observed. The influential variables for post knowledge of the three phenomena were both reasoning and prior knowledge. For the buoyancy phenomenon, the effect of the size task reasoning was found to be stronger than that of the weight task reasoning. For the free-fall phenomenon, the effect of the weight task reasoning was found to be the strongest, followed by the size task reasoning and the size task prior knowledge. Whereas, for the sloping phenomenon, the effect of the size task reasoning was found to be the strongest, followed by the weight task reasoning, and the size task prior knowledge. Thus, this study revealed that reasoning and prior knowledge about phenomena related to object movement affected the formation of post knowledge.
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