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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to examine how adaptive cognitive emotion regulation affects the relationships among across covert narcissism, shame, anger, and reactive aggression. Structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis were conducted using self-report data from 564 middle school students. The SEM analysis revealed that shame mediates the relationship between covert narcissism and anger, and anger serves a mediator in the relationship between shame and reactive aggression. Further, shame and anger both served as mediators in the relationship between covert narcissism and reactive aggression. According to the multi-group analysis, the direct path from covert narcissism to reactive aggression was not significant for the upper 30% group of scores on the scales of adaptive cognitive emotion regulation. Further, there was a significant group difference in the path from covert narcissism to shame. Effective prevention and intervention strategies based on these findings were discussed to decrease reactive aggression. The importance of enhancing adaptive cognitive emotion regulation was also emphasized.
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