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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigated the effects of maternal parenting belief and efficacy on a children’s self-esteem through the comparison between Korean mothers and Chinese immigrant mothers with their children. The result of this research shows that there are significant differences between native Korean mothers and Chinese immigrant mothers’ maternal parenting belief and efficacy and their children’s self-esteem. Native Korean mother‘s maternal parenting efficacy and their children‘s self-esteem were higher than Chinese immigrant mothers‘ and their children‘s. The results also shows that both Korean and Chinese immigrant mothers‘ efficacy have a significant impact on their children’s self-esteem. However, the result that the children of Chinese immigrant mothers, who have generally lower maternal parenting efficacy than Korean mothers, have less positive self-esteem than the children of Korean mothers, suggests that the maternal parenting efficacy has an important effect on developing children’s positive self-esteem.
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