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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of marital conflict, parent satisfaction, and maternal parenting behavior on the emotional intelligence of preschoolers. A total of 493 mothers with 3–4-year-old preschoolers responded to questionnaires. The results indicated that marital conflict, parent satisfaction, and maternal parenting behavior were significant predictors of preschoolers’ emotional intelligence. Second, marital conflict did not appear to directly influence preschoolers’ emotional intelligence. Third, marital conflict indirectly affected preschoolers’ emotional intelligence by the complete mediation of parent satisfaction. Fourth, parent satisfaction and the mother’s parenting behavior mediated the relationship between marital conflict and preschoolers’ emotional intelligence through indirect effects. Finally, parent satisfaction demonstrated the strongest effect on preschoolers’ emotional intelligence among all the factors examined.
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