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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigated the effect of perceived psychological control and affective parenting on internalized and externalized behaviors in junior midddle schoolers. The subjects were 463 boys and girls in junior middle school in Deagu and Gyeongbuk area. Two way analysis of variance by psychological control and affective parenting was used for internalized and externalized behaviors. psychological control had negative effect on internalized and externalized behaviors, but the effect of affective parenting was not significant on both behaviors. There was significant interaction effect by father's psychological control and affective parenting on boy's physical symptom and delinquency and girl's depression/anxiety. In low affective parenting condition, high psychological control has negative effect on boy's physical symptom and delinquency and girl's depression/anxiety. However, In high affective parenting condition, negative effect of psychological control was released. Moreover there was not interaction effect of psychological control and affective parenting on any internalized and externalized behaviors.
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