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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
Two studies were conducted, which aimed to investigate the influence of reading aloud on children’s story recall. Forty-four children of six years of age participated in study 1. In this study, each child was assigned to one of two groups. In the first group, the child read a story aloud, whereas in the other group the child’s mother read a story to her. The results showed that children’s reading aloud increased subsequent recall of the story as compared with when mothers read the story to their children. In study 2, eighty-four children of four, six, and eight years of age participated in the experiment. This study examined the differences in repeated story recalls according to child age, serial position effects (primacy, middle, recency), and reading condition (reading aloud vs. mothers reading to their children). Results showed that older children, and children who read aloud, showed superior recall. Recall also improved over repeated trials, and primacy and recency effects were revealed in all of three trials. Findings are discussed in terms of attention and consolidation processes in the formation of memory traces. Suggestions for future studies are presented.
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