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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to analyze runaway adolescent’ intention to return home. A total of 438 runaway adolescents from 42 shelters and 12 high schools were included in the study sample. Among them, 211 participants had returned home and 227 participants remained in shelters. Data were collected using a questionnaire that covered individual factors, home environment, and school factors. Data analysis was carried out using a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi-square (χ2) test, and hierarchical logistic regression. The two-way ANOVA and χ2 test showed significant differences between returnees and shelter adolescents in terms of aggression, family structure, economic status, some parenting attitudes (father’s and mother’s affection, negligence, father’s abuse), and peer relationships. We also found significant differences between junior and senior high school runaway adolescents in relation to self-esteem. The hierarchical logistic regression showed that home environment factors were the most significant predictors of runaway adolescents’ returning home. In particular, broken homes had the strongest negative effect, while economic status had positive effect. Whereas for junior high school returnees, parenting attitudes, such as father’s affection, negligence, and mother’s negligence were significant predictors, for senior highschool returnees individual factors like aggression and impulsiveness were significant.
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