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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among multidimensional perfectionism, adult attachment, and abnormal eating behaviors in female university students. The participants were 600 female university students in Seoul. The results of the study were as follows: (1) there was a significant, positive relationship between abnormal eating behaviors and self-oriented perfectionism, between abnormal eating behaviors and other-oriented perfectionism, between abnormal eating behaviors and socially-prescribed perfectionism, between abnormal eating behaviors and dependence dimensions, and between abnormal eating behaviors and anxiety dimensions, but there was a negative relationship between abnormal eating behaviors and closeness; (2) socially-prescribed perfectionism and anxiety dimensions were significantly predictive of abnormal eating behaviors; and (3) with regard to mediating effects, anxiety dimensions partially mediated the relationship between socially-prescribed perfectionism and abnormal eating behaviors. Further, dependence dimensions partially mediated the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and abnormal eating behaviors.
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