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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
Based on the multi-faceted control concept of Shapiro, this study investigated the patterns of control modes used by mothers, and their impact on adaptation of mothers and their children. The 153 5th or 6th grade of elementary school and their 153 mothers participated in this study. The combination of the four control modes of mothers formed four clusters, which were named; ‘the assertive group’ using positive and negative assertive type control modes in the main, ‘the yielding group’ using positive acceptive type control mode in the main, ‘the lethargy group’ using negative acceptive type control mode in the main, and ‘the integration group’ using all the 4 types control modes. The integration group had significantly higher sense of control and life satisfaction, while the lethargy group had low sense of control and life satisfaction. Children of the integration group were reported to show significantly higher school adaptation compared other groups. But children of the integration type group showd higher autonomy only compared to the assertive group. The importance of balanced use of control modes was discussed.
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