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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined Korean mothers’ emotion-related beliefs and their relationships with mother’s emotion-related parenting behaviors and children’s emotion-regulations. For this purpose, mothers who had a child who was 3~6 years old completed questionnaires regarding emotion development-related beliefs, the mother's coping strategies for children's negative emotion expression, and children’s emotion-regulations. We found that 12 emotion-related beliefs influenced children’s emotion-regulations, which were mediated by mothers’ parenting behaviors. “Negative emotions are valuable”, “positive emotions are valuable”, “emotion fluidity” and “parents should guide” were positively related to the mothers’ supportive responses and children’s emotion-regulations. In contrast, “contempt”, “manipulation” and “the danger of emotion” were positively related to mothers’ non-supportive responses and children’s emotion-negativity. Also, “mothers’ supportive parenting behavior” was positively related to children’s emotion-regulations and “mothers’ non-supportive parenting behavior” was negatively related to children’s emotion-regulations. In addition, “positive emotions are valuable”, “the danger of emotion”, “parents should guide”, and “contempt” indirectly accounted for children’s emotion-regulations, which were mediated by mothers’ parenting behaviors. “Control”, “emotion fluidity”, “privacy”, and “manipulation” directly accounted for children’s emotion-regulations.
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