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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the variables of birth history, physical diseases, motor development, language development, social development, and childcare environment, and the clinical characteristics of young children aged 2-3 years with developmental delay, by comparing them to typically developing children. The comparison revealed that higher rates of unexpected pregnancy and physical diseases were found among the children with developmental delay than among the typically developing children. The children with developmental delay were slower in achieving one-word utterances and independent walking, had less stranger anxiety, and showed intermittent eye contact. Mothers of the children with developmental delay had higher levels of depression and anxiety than mothers of thetypically developing children and reported negligent childcare (25%) due to their mental health problems, lack of childcare knowledge and skills (19%), and excessive exposure to digital media (19%). Regarding the clinical characteristics of the children with developmental delay, the biggest problem reported by mothers was delayed language development (55%), followed by a low number of interactions (40%) and overall developmental delay (29%). Problems accompanying developmental delay included child-parent relationships (54%) and control (40%). The level of sensory processing disorder stood at 21.6-62.2% depending on the sensory area with under-responsiveness being prominent among children aged under 36 months. For emotional and behavioral problems, children aged under 36 months with developmental delay showed less peer aggression, and more depression/withdrawal and negative emotions, than thetypically developing children. Children aged 36 months or older with developmental delay showed more problems of hyperactivity, withdrawal, and attention, and other atypical problems, than their counterparts.
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