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The Relationships between Pragmatic Language Deficits, Low Empathy, and Peer Relation Problems in Children with ADHD


This study aimed to examine the relation of pragmatic language deficits and low empathy to peer relation problems in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) by comparing them with the control group. For this purpose, the research and final analysis were performed with 56 children(10-13 years old) and their parents (29 with ADHD, 27 in the normal range of behavior). The results of this study were as follows: first, the group ADHD group showed higher pragmatic deficits and higher peer relation problems than the control group. Second, each group presented a distinct pattern of findings on pragmatic deficits and empathy associated with peer relation problems. These findings discussed above suggest that children with ADHD may experience difficulties in peer relationships due to their lacking of abilities to communicate appropriately to insituational contexts and that they may excessively control their friends with a self-centered attitude due to the deficit of their cognitive empathy.

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