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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the relationship between infants’ nonverbal expression, onomatopoeia, and lexical development, and mothers’ utterance-facilitation behaviors. Seventy infants aged 15-17 months and their mothers participated in this study. Mothers completed questionnaires to evaluate both their infants’ language development and the mothers’ play interaction behaviors and language expression. Mothers’ use of “motherese” was also observed in a 15-minute free play setting between mothers and infants. Results showed that infants’ nonverbal expression and the use of onomatopoeia were positively correlated with lexical development, and mothers’ play interaction positively predicted infants’ language development. In addition, the relationship between maternal behavior and infants’ language development varied with gender. Discussion included the role of direct and indirect input of mothers’ utterance-facilitation behaviors.
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