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Developmental Study on Unintentional inhibition: Looking through neutral and emotional valence


This research was designed to examine difference in the development of inhibitory control by confirming retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) caused by emotional valence. The study sample included three age groups ; 4-year-olds, 6-year-olds, and 8-year-olds. Emotional valence controlled for negative emotional stimuli and neutral stimuli. Categorized words in the research study were different from those in a research for study adults, as they were properly selected for children, and were provided to participants with illustrated pictures. Valence adjectives were used as stimuli in the category for emotional valence control, and the pictures provided with them were also expressed according to the emotional stimuli. In the neutral condition, RIF was not observed in 4-year-old participants, whereas RIF was observed in both 6-year-old participants and 8-year-old participants. It is possible that in 4-year-old participants, the cognitive ability that influences unintentional inhibition has not yet developed. In the negative condition, RIF was observed in all conditions. These results suggest that inhibition is difficult for negative emotions.

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