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Maternal Psychological Controlling and Adolescent Peer Relationships: Examining the Roles of Basic Psychological Needs and Gender


The current study examined the relationship between maternal psychological control, satisfaction of basic psychological needs and peer relationship quality in early adolescence based on Self-Determination Theory. The hypothesis is that satisfaction of basic psychological needs would mediate the relationship between maternal psychological control and peer relationship quality. The hypothesis was tested among 508 adolescents from grades 1-3 in middle school (males: 265, females: 243). The mediation analysis revealed that satisfaction of basic psychological needs completely mediated the relationship between maternal psychological control and peer relationship quality. We further analyzed gender differences in maternal psychological control, satisfaction of basic psychological needs, and peer relationship quality. When we performed a multi-group analysis of this structural model, we confirmed that the model of the satisfaction of basic psychological needs as a mediator between maternal psychological control and peer relationship quality held true for both boys and girls. However, differences in the path coefficients for boys and girls indicated that the association between satisfaction of basic psychological needs and peer relationship quality was stronger among boys.

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