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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The current study investigated changes in negative emotion and regulation temperament in infants and examined the relationship between the rate of change of temperament and externalizing problems of early childhood. Participants in this study were 149 mothers of infants. Temperaments were measured from 6 months to 18 months using IBQ-R(Infant Behavioral Questionnaire-Revised). The K-CBCL(Korean Child Behavior Checklist) was used to measure externalizing problems at 4 years old. Latent growth modeling was used to analyze change estimation of temperament during infancy, and was applied to verify the relevance of changes of infant temperament and early problem behaviors. As a result, the 4-years-olds’ level of externalizing behaviors was associated with higher negative emotion and lower regulation temperament at 6 months. The results were discussed in terms of the importance of longitudinal analysis in developmental psychopathology.
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