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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of positive behavioral support on problem behaviors and on-task behaviors of children with ADHD during independent learning time at home. For this purpose, this study conducted a positive behavioral support for three elementary school students with ADHD manifesting problem behaviors during independent learning time at home using an functional assessment and multi-element intervention strategies and investigated its effects on their problem behaviors, on-task behaviors during independent learning time at home, academic self-efficacy and their parents' parenting self-efficacy. As research methods, using multiple probe design across subjects, an experiment was conducted during baseline, intervention, and maintenance period, and changes in the incidence rate of on problem behavior during independent learning time and the rate of on-task behaviors were measured, using the partial-interval recording. As a result in all three children, the incidence rate of their on problem behaviors decreased and the incidence rate of their on-task behaviors increased during home-based independent learning time. In addition, the children’s academic self-efficacy and their parents' parenting self-efficacy increased, too. This study indicated that home-based positive behavioral support could improve the learning behavior of children with ADHD.
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