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The Relationships among Dispositional Gratitude, Gratitude Expression,and Mental Wellbeing among the Elderly,Focused on the Mediating Effect of Relational Satisfaction


In order to promote the successful aging of the elderly whose numbers have drastically increased in our society, this study examined whether dispositional gratitude and gratitude expression contribute to the mental wellbeing of the elderly through the mediation of relational satisfaction. For this research, we analyzed self-report data from 440 people aged over 65, using structural equation modeling. The results indicated that both dispositional gratitude and gratitude expression directly predicted relational satisfaction and mental wellbeing. Of note, the influence of gratitude expression on relational satisfaction was bigger than that of dispositional gratitude. Furthermore, the mediating effect of relational satisfaction was significant only in the path between gratitude expression and mental wellbeing. The implications of these findings were discussed and effective intervention strategies were presented to improve the mental wellbeing of the elderly.

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