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A Good Student but not a Good Friend: Domain-Specific Self-Control in Middle School Students


A year-long longitudinal study explored how self-control varies by domain in middle-school students. The current study confirms that self-control can be separated into schoolwork and interpersonal self-control domains and that each domain predicts theoretically relevant academic and social outcomes. At the beginning of the school year, teachers rated their students on behaviors that exemplified self-control in schoolwork and interpersonal contexts. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a two-factor domain-specific self-control model. Self-control in schoolwork predicted more active class engagement, which in turn increased academic achievement at the end of the school year. Interpersonal self-control predicted less anger, which thereby reduced peer conflict at the end of the school year. Collectively, the current findings empirically support the domain specificity of self-control and reveal its impact on affective, motivational, social, and academic outcomes. Implications for future self-control intervention studies are discussed.

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