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Mother's Reflective Functioning and Infant's Attachment


The study aimed to investigate mother's Reflective Functioning(RF), ability to understand that behavior if meaningfully linked to underlying mental states, and infant's attachment. Therefore this study examined to identify connections between mother's Reflective Functioning(RF) and infant's attachment. The results of this study were as follows: First, 101 infants were classified by Strange Situation Procedure(SSP), 70.3% were classified as secure type(B), 16.8% as insecure-avoidant type(A), 5.9% as insecure-resistant type(C), 6.9% as disorganized type(D). Second, mothers whose infants classified by Secure attachment(B) were the highest RF score. And according to the results of Logistic Regression, mother's reflective functioning significantly predicted the infant's attachment. The higher the mother's reflective functioning to form a secure attachment increases the probability. These findings indicate that the Reflective Functioning(RF) is an important predictor of infant's attachment.

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