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Effectiveness of Video-feedback Intervention to Improve Parenting Sensitivity of Parents with Infant and Toddler Children


This study examined effectiveness of parent training using by Video-feedback Intervention to improve Parenting Sensitivity(VIIPS) of parents of young children aged two to three years who had socioemotional and behavioral problems. Subjects included 21 parents (nine in the experimental group and 12 in the control group) and the training, consisting of psychological education and video feedback intervention, covered (1) understanding of development of young children and recognition of their mental health; (2) examination of environmental factors of parenting; (3) investigation of attachment behaviors of parents to enhance parenting sensitivity; (4) video feedback I & II on parent-child interactions to improve parenting sensitivity; and (5) video feedback III and recognition of changes in sensitive parenting attitude based on the video feedbacks. The parent training consisted of six sessions each of which was conducted with a small group of parents (four to five people) for 90 minutes. In order to verify effectiveness of the parent training, assessment of parent-child interactions by video recording, Korean version of Parenting Relationship Questionnaire-Preschool (K-PRQ-P), Child Behavior Checklist (K-CBCL 1.5-5), and Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) were administered to the experiment and the control groups before and after the parent training. The findings are: (1) the experiment group showed significant improvement in sensitive interaction skills, parent-child relationship after the training; (2) children of the parents in the experiment group showed significant decrease in terms of behavioral problems after the training. These findings clearly show parent training by video feedback aimed at enhancing parenting sensitivity is effective in improvement of sensitive interaction skills, enhancement of parent-child relationship, and decline of behavioral problems of children.

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