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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the influence of anxiety about aging on Subjective Well-Being(SWB) and depression mediated by Future Time Perspective(FTP). Future Time Perspective measured two types: focus on opportunities perspective and focus on limitations perspective. Participants were 325 middle-aged women, aged between 45-64 years, -living in Busan and its surroundings. The results obtained from Process macro analysis developed by Hayes were as follows: First, anxiety about aging predicted less future time perspective focused on opportunity and more future time perspective focused on limitation. Second, the future time perspective focused on opportunity mediated on the relationship between anxiety about aging and subjective well-being after controlling educational level and perceived health state. Finally, the future time perspective focused on limitation mediated on the relationship between anxiety about aging and depression. The results show that two types of future time perspective predicted subjective well-being and depression. It suggests that the future time perspective focused on opportunity will function positively among elderly people.
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