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Development of Cognitive Control in the Flanker task and its Relations to Self-Regulation


Developmental changes in cognitive control were examined among 131 children and college students and the relationship between cognitive control and self-regulation was also examined among 96 children. The Eriksen Flanker Task was administered in order to measure cognitive control. Effortful control, emotional regulation, and smart-phone addiction proneness were also measured. The Flanker Interference Effect and Conflict Adaptation Effect were observed in four age groups. The magnitudes of the effects were not different among the age groups. These results suggest that children and college students experience interference from flanker stimuli to the same extent and that they exert top-down control on interference to the same extent. The Flanker Interference Effect and Conflict Adaptation Effect in reaction times were not related to effortful control, emotion regulation and smart-phone addiction proneness. However, the Conflict Adaptation Effect in error rate was positively related to smart-phone addiction proneness.

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