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The present study investigated the effects of a social skills training program for older adults. The program was composed of education and training regarding social role and social relationship, identification and differentiation of emotions, empathy, expression of emotions and thoughts, mind reading, etc. Thirty older adults (M=72.17, SD=4.02) of the experiment group were compared with 29 older adults (M=75.00, SD=5.78) who participated in the cognitive training program and 27 older adults (M=70.67, SD=3.23) without any treatment. Trained older adults showed benefits in emotion regulation, empathy, mind reading, and subjective well-being, and parts of these training benefits were maintained at a one month follow-up. These findings suggest that this program may either help the maintenance or improvement of older adults' social skills. Result implication, research limitations and suggestions for further research are discussed.
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