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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate children’s moral judgments and justifications about peer exclusion in gender-typed play, and to examine whether they differed by gender, Theory of Mind (ToM), and with respect to context and types of play. A sample of 106 children (five to six years old) participated in the study. The results found that children assessed peer exclusion more negatively in baseline context than in multifaceted context, and boys were more likely than girls to choose playmates that fit gender stereotypes. Analyses of justifications found that girls and children with high ToM used moral justifications more often than their counterparts. Moral justifications were more often used in baseline context. This study contributes to the field of moral development in that children as young as five to six years old considered situational factors to make moral judgments. Furthermore, children's gender and ToM influenced their moral judgments and justifications.
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