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Friendship Processes of Peer Rejection among Early-Adolescents: Examining the Role of the Teacher-Student Relationship


In the current study, we examined early adolescents’ friendship selection and social influence with regard to peer rejection and the role of teacher-student relationship among fifth and sixth graders. Participants (N=1131, 48% girls at wave 1 and 2) were followed from spring to fall within one academic year. With longitudinal social network analysis (RSiena), we found that early adolescents tended to select friends with similar levels of peer rejection in the classroom, and their friends influenced one another in their own peer rejection over time. Further, relationship with the teacher had a significant effect on youth’s own level of peer rejection. When youth had a supportive relationship with the teacher, they were less likely to be rejected by their peers. When youth had conflicts with the teacher, they were more likely to be rejected by their peers. The results suggest that peer processes of selection and influence play a role in the development of early adolescents’ peer rejection, and underscore the importance of the teacher-student relationship in youth’s peer dynamics of rejection.

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