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The Relationship of Child Temperament and Conduct Problem: The Moderation of Marital Conflict


The present study examines marital conflict as a moderator of relationships between early early child callous-unemotional (CU) traits, disinhibition temperaments, and conduct problems at the transition-to-school-age. Data from waves 2, 5, and 8 of the Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC) of the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education (KICCE) were analyzed. Parents provided ratings of a child’s CU at four years of age, disinhibition at 14 months, marital conflict at 14 months and four years, and child conduct problems at seven years. The result of hierarchical regression showed that CU and marital conflict had significant main effects on future conduct problems. In addition, interaction effects between CU and marital conflict were statistically significant such that the associations between CU and conduct problems were larger for children whose parents reported high levels of marital conflict. On the other hand, main effects of disinhibition and interaction effect between disinhibition and marital conflict on conduct problems were not significant. Results are discussed with respect to both individual and contextual factors in developmental pathways to conduct problems.

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