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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study was designed to investigate the relationship among children's perception of parental conflict and parenting style, their rumination, social anxiety and school adjustment. A total of 280 children (4th year) and 10 homeroom teachers participated. Each child completed questionnaires on perception of parental conflict, perception of parenting style, rumination, and social anxiety. Children's school adjustment was measured by their homeroom teachers' reports. The results showed that perception of parental conflict was highly correlated with rumination and social anxiety, and negatively correlated with school adjustment. In addition, parenting style high in rejection and control was significantly related to perception of parental conflict. Rumination has a positive correlation with social anxiety and a negative correlation with school adjustment. The results of path analysis revealed that children's perception of parental conflict influenced their school adjustment and was mediated by parenting style high in rejection and control, rumination and social anxiety. In addition, our results showed that parenting style high in rejection and control directly influenced school adjustment, and children's rumination influenced school adjustment, mediated by their social anxiety.
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