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A Longitudinal Analysis of Changes in Loneliness, Sense of Control and Binge Eating Symptoms among Young Adult Women


This study aims to examine a longitudinal relationship between loneliness, sense of control, and binge eating symptoms. We hypothesize that loneliness, sense of control, and binge eating symptoms would remain stable and reciprocally related over two years. We expected that decrease in sense of control would mediate the relationship between increase in loneliness and binge eating symptoms. We employed autoregressive cross-lagged modeling with 570 young adult Korean women aged 18-31 who completed surveys four times over two years. We found that loneliness, sense of control, and binge eating symptoms were stable over time. We also found that loneliness and sense of control negatively predicted each other, and sense of control negatively predicted binge eating over time. Although the reciprocal relationship between loneliness and binge eating was not significant, this relationship was mediated by sense of control over time. Theoretical and clinical implications of the study and limitations were discussed.

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