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The Relationship among Middle School Students’ Victim Justice Sensitivity, Hostile Attribution Bias and Reactive Aggression: The Moderating Effect of Effortful Control


This study examines the relationship among victim justice sensitivity (VJS), hostile attribution bias (HAB) and reactive aggression (RA) of middle-school students. Specifically, we investigated how the relationships of these variables varied according to the level of effortful control (EC). Self-reported data of 420 middle -school students were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results indicated that HAB partially mediated the relationship between VJS and RA in the total sample. Multigroup analysis was also conducted based on the level of EC (top/bottom 30%). Results indicated that HAB did not predict RA at low EC, while the mediation effect of HAB was only significant at high EC. A stronger EC significantly weakened the positive relationship between VJS and HAB, and between VJS and RA. This study supported the importance of considering VJS in explaining RA and demonstrated the need to enhance EC to reduce HAB and RA resulting from VJS.

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