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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of ambivalence of meaning of children on quality of relationships and happiness in middle aged parents. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were examined by study 1 in 210 participants to identify contents and structure of meanings of children. The results showed that positive meanings of children were included of 3 subfactors as ‘love’, ‘supporting’ and ‘attached’, And negative meanings of children were constructed by 2 subfactors, ‘burdened’ and ‘restrictive’. And study 2 was to identify the impact of positive and negative meanings on quality of relationship and happiness in 216 parents. The result showed that mothers reported more higher positive and negative meanings than fathers. Also positive meanings enhanced their care, respect and consideration on their children and it also improved happiness of the parents. However, negative meanings were linked to increased positive quality of relationships and reduced conflict with children, while also enhancing happiness.
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