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The Effect of Search for Meaning on Subjective Well-being in Middle-aged adult: Mediating Role of Generativity, Meaning Presence, Spirituality


The purpose of this study is to investigate gender differences and the mediating effect of generativity, meaning presence and spirituality between search for meaning in life and subjective well-being. A total of 391 middle-aged adults(156 males and 235 females) participated in the study. Structural equation modeling was used to test the relationship between each factors and to analyze the difference between males and females. As the result of this research, we found the fully-mediated effect of the presence of meaning in the relationship of the search for meaning and subjective well-being. Generativity mediated the effect of search for meaning on meaning presence, while meaning presence mediated both the relationship between search for meaning and spirituality and the relationship between generativity and subjective well-being. The effect of spirituality on subjective well-being for male participants was stronger than that of female participants. Limitations of the current study and implications for future study were discussed.

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