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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the influence of mothers’ and teachers’ emotional expressiveness on school adjustment of preschool children. In addition, the mediation effects of children’s negative emotionality and emotion regulation were examined. Data were collected from 110 children(60 boys and 50 girls) between 3 and 5 years old, and their mothers and kindergarten teachers. Mothers reported their own emotional expressiveness and rated children’s emotional temperament and regulation ability at time 1. Teachers’ emotion expressiveness and children’s school adjustment were evaluated by other teachers at time 2. Results showed that children’s negative emotionality was negatively correlated with their emotion regulation ability, and particularly, children’s negative emotionality mediated the relationship between mothers’ negative expressiveness and children’s emotion regulation. However, teachers’ emotional expressiveness accounted for children’s school adjustment, but not emotion regulation. Findings are discussed in terms of socialization of emotion and the role of teachers in the kindergarten classroom.
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